*Eye injuries associated with facial trauma
One year clinical study

Dr. k. Y. IGZEER F.F.R.C.S.I

Patients sustained facial trauma of varous severity, whom where admitted in medical city in baghdad were analyzed. Total number of patients was 37.

Eye injuries were recorded, and classified into orbital and ophthalmic inuures.

Orbital injuries were recorded as follows; enophthalmos in 7 cases (19%) traumatic telecanthus in 9 cases (24%), circumorbital ecchymosis in 23 cases (62%), infraorbital paraesthesia 15 cases (40%) supraorbital paraesthesia in 2 caese (5.4%), orbital emphysema in 4 cases (9.5%), lachrymal system injry in 3 cases (8%), diplopia in 11 cases (30%).

Ophthalmic injuries; recorded as follows; pupillary reflex defect in 3 cases (8), subconjuctival haemorrhage in 29 cases (51%), conjuctival chemosis in 4 cases (9.5%), commotio retinnae (retinal oedema) in 2 cases (5.4%), hyphema in one case (2.5%) , loss of vision and optic nerve damage in 5 cases (11%) , retinal detachment in one case (2.5%) globe rupture in one case (2.5%) , corneal injury in one case (2.5%) and lens sublaxation in one case (2.5%).

Sixteen patients presented with bilateral fractures, thus the no. of eyes involved were 49. It has been found that road traffic accidents were the most common cause for facial fractures, multiple facial fractures were a common finding.

Eye injuries recorded in 35 cases while only 2 cases were free from both orbital and ophthalmic injuries and circumorbital ecchymosis was the most common eye injury recorded in the study (62%) and subconjuctival haemorrhage the most common ophthalmic injury recorded (51%).

We concluded that serious ophthalmic injuries were not uncommon (13.5%) complication of facial fractures which agrees with most of previous studies, although some of these complications resulted from unusual types of fracture zygoma, which is unusual finding compared with other studies.

*Presented in the 20th conference of Iraqi dental association 2000.


blow fracture RT side notice
 the limitation in upword gaze

 tangential view notice the enophthalmos


occipito mental view shows the classical hanging
 drop appearance in the roof of RT maxillary sinus


occipito mental view ;
 inward displacement of RT frontal bone & radiopacity of RT maxillary sinus

 extended Lefort ,
 blow out fracture RT side &
 zygomatic bone fracture LT side notice the limitation in upward gaze RT side
